Political Action Committee

SDAHO PAC Chair, Jason Merkley

The South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO) Political Action Committe (PAC) is the political voice for South Dakota’s hospitals, health systems and long-term care providers. The SDAHO PAC is nonpartisan and ensures our message is clearly heard by elected officials and political leaders in Pierre and in Washington D.C. The SDAHO PAC provides financial help to legislative candidates and office holders who demonstrate a commitment to SDAHO’s mission and purpose. Our goal is to help our political leaders understand how the decisions they make impact the healthcare industry in South Dakota. One hundred percent of your contribution is used to support candidates who understand and support our concerns. 

PAC Resources

PAC Board

The PAC board is made up of members of SDAHO and system advocacy advisors.

2025 Goal Progress

Thank you for your contributions!


Print off the brochure to mail in with your contribution.

Information about SDAHO PAC

SDAHO PAC is a nonpartisan and independent statewide political action committee organized under SDCL 12-27-3. The SDAHO PAC board administers the SDAHO PAC. They determine which candidates receive financial support based on qualifications, electability, responsiveness and recommendations from local health care providers in that candidate’s district. Every dollar contributed to SDAHO PAC supports qualified candidates. There are no administrative fees. Copies of our reports are filed with the Secretary of State, State of South Dakota, Pierre, SD 57501.

Pursuant to Article IX, Section 2, of the Bylaws of the South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO), a Political Action Committee was established and designated as a Committee of SDAHO on November 15, 1979, to act as such Committee until dissolved by Resolution of the Board of Trustees of SDAHO. The principal office of the SDAHO PAC is located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

The purpose of the SDAHO PAC is:

  1. To promote and strive for the improvement of government by encouraging members of the health care industry in South Dakota to take a more active role in the affairs of government.
  2. To educate candidates for elective South Dakota state and county offices of the problems and goals of the health care industry.
  3. To provide the opportunity for individuals interested in and concerned with the future of the health care industry to contribute to the support of candidates for South Dakota state and county offices who will work for the principles to which the industry is dedicated.
  • Strengthens the voice of health care in delivering our policy messages to candidates for elected office who truly do impact how health care is delivered in South Dakota and the rest of the country.
  • Supports candidates who understand the key issues facing South Dakota health care providers and those who are willing to protect public policies for vital health care services.
Salaried employees who have policymaking, managerial, professional, supervisory or administrative nonclerical responsibilities are able to contribute to the SDAHO PAC campaign. Hospital trustees and full-time physicians employed by the hospital are also eligible to contribute to the IHA PAC campaign. All contributions are voluntary and have no impact on job status, performance review or compensation. To comply with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), contributions received from individuals who are NOT trustees or executive or administrative personnel or employed physicians will be used to SUPPORT STATE CANDIDATES ONLY.

Guidelines for contributions:
  • Any amount is gratefully accepted and will make a difference in helping us shape a supportive state legislature and Congress.
  • Cash contributions cannot exceed $50
  • Personal or corporate for-profit checks, credit cards and cash will be accepted
  • Limit of $10,000 from a person, an entity or a ballot question committee (per SDCL 12-27-9)
  • Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
  • State law requires SDAHO PAC to collect and report the name and mailing address of individuals whose aggregate contribution exceeds $100.
  • Federal law requires that we use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.
PAC Board
  • Paulette Davidson, Monument Health (PAC Chair)
  • Ally Brandner, Sanford Health
  • Cate Davis, Avera Health
  • Corey Brown, Sanford Health
  • Erica Peterson, Sanford Chamberlain Medical Center
  • Jason Merkley, Brookings Health System
  • John Ayoub, Mobridge Regional Hospital
  • Josh Hofmeyer, Dow Rummel Village
  • Kent Peterson, Sanford USD Medical Center
  • Kim Malsam-Rysdon, Avera Health
  • Lori Sisk, Sanford Clear Lake Medical Center
  • Mark Schmidt, Monument Health Lead-Deadwood Hospital
  • Nick Fosness, Marshall County Healthcare Center Avera
  • Tim Rave, SDAHO (PAC Treasurer)
2025 Contributions